

Glass bottle packaging or legend of not old

Glass bottle packaging or legend of not old

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The low cost, light weight and many other advantages of plastic packaging have made plastic packaging quickly replace many traditional packaging in the past.

During that time, glass bottles were continuously lost in many markets, and the market share of glass bottles was very severe. Many glass bottle manufacturers have also closed down, and once the glass bottle enterprises lost confidence in the market. However, the cockroaches will eventually be bright, and now the glass bottles will return to the market.

First of all, with the diversification and individualized demands of the market, some high-end food and beverage packagings are different from traditional packaging to create different consumer demands. They have begun to use glass bottles for packaging, making glass bottles Market share began to return. Secondly, plastic bottles are in the field of food and medicine, which are closely related to human health. Faced with more and more doubts, the safety of plastic bottle packaging has worried consumers. Many manufacturers have begun to switch to glass bottles in view of market concerns. The product, which makes the market share of glass bottles began to pick up. Finally, glass bottles are packed with some inherent markets, and as the downstream market develops, order demand is also growing.

We hope that the packaging form of glass bottles will have a long-lasting vitality. Of course, this is inseparable from the innovation and efforts of our manufacturers.

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